Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Living Life

My life partner's Mom is living with cancer. Got a call last night that one of my revered mentors from my law enforcement SWAT days is hospitalized with colon and liver cancer.

We are all going to die. No one knows our expiration date. Most of us will die naturally, rather than violently by accident or intention. Parts of our body will stagnate beginning in one part or another until the byproducts of living overtake us. Even if we lived in a clean and pure environment, as we did through the ages, we would die of a congested or stagnated body - if we didn't become part of the food chain. The fact that we breath oxygen for our primary fuel of living animation, energy, leaves byproducts that will eventually clog our systems and kill us. Our thoughts, our perspectives of the world, our experience of life determines where our stagnation, clogging, congestion happens.

Our "experience of life," means everything that we experience in the process of living. Toxins (natural and man created), chemicals, un-natural man-made food and pharmaceuticals, grief, hostility, compassion, gratitude, joy, love, natural clean food, family and friends all contribute to our process of living and dying.

As Moritz says, "cancer is not a disease." We are aerobic beings. We require air, oxygen as a fuel to live, and eventually that process in and of itself will overwhelm our manifest self, our body's. We can live for days and months without food, and only minutes without air. Our miraculous body's are even showing over the last 40 to 50 years that we can survive on food that is lacking, if not void, of nutritional value other than that added to unnatural products in an attempt to provide at least some nutritional value. We live in an environment that contains many pollutants working to clog our minds and body (self), encouraging stagnation, congestion, clogging that allows an environment within our self for cells to mutate into cells capable of living and thriving in anaerobic environment(s) in our body. These are cancer cells, of which there are many different types, yet all consuming (living) in areas without oxygen (anaerobic). Each of us will many times produce "cancer" cells but when we are healthy with space our immune system easily overwhelms these different DNA culprits as that is our immune system's function, to remove or recycle anything in the body that does not have our DNA pass key. However, a weak and or overwhelmed immune system may not have the ability to deal with cancer cells. A weak or overwhelmed immune system cannot keep up with its house cleaning duties which then allows areas of the body to become congested, clogged, stagnated and a breading and feeding ground for cancer cells. Metastasizing cancer cells are anaerobic cells looking for dis-ease in the body, anaerobic areas to thrive on. We have the power, choice to observe these metastasizing cancer cells as scouts who can further reveal areas in need of our attention and loving support. Or we may look at the situation as a death sentence and begin dying early.

A brilliant woman, Janet Childs at the Center for Living With Dying, described all human behavior in challenging situations as "normal responses to abnormal situation(s)." I submit this phrase to also understand cancer, as the body's response to a situation of dis-ease within the body. There's no concept of cancer of the heart. With the heart, all the same factors that contribute to cancer lead to cardiac dis-ease. Lack of exercise, what we eat, pollutants, toxins, thoughts and the fact that we are animated my oxygen.

The question is, do we spend the majority of our time living? Or do we spend our time dying. It's about the quality of our lives. The time we spend creating open space in our system of living, our self's and our environment. We tend to spend our time closing space, creating congestion, through over eating un-natural food stuffs, working our bodies to make them overly muscular and tense, allowing negative thoughts of grief and hostility against ourselves and others foil our mission to attain and maintain a life of spacious opportunity and possibility.

Maybe we should enjoy wholesome healthy natural foods like thoughts that allowed our DNA to thrive into the 21st century. Maybe we should spend our time enjoying, being grateful for, all that we have in our environment and body (self) that is working beautifully, even when we are sick or injured.

Appreciate the resilience of our "self." Dismiss the nay-saying voice in our heads encouraging us to focus on all that is wrong with us and our lives. Or at least balance the time we spend fretting and worrying with more time spent appreciating the miracles. Maybe when we find our self, our body, wound up by thoughts (needless, pointless muscle tension anywhere in our body) relax our mind with thoughts of gratitude, notice muscle tension not necessary to maintain our posture and relax the tension.

Maybe we should spend time keeping our self's (body, mind, spirit) capable of performing youthful movements and activities which require strength, range of motion, suppleness, and grace.

That said, lets focus on living.

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